Top Roulette Rules

Top Roulette Rules

Roulette is a popular casino game and its rules are easy to understand and apply in the game. One of the best parts about this game is that whether you are a novice or an experienced player, everyone has an equal chance of winning. The more you practice, the better you will become in roulette. However, for that, you would need the money and along with that, you would also need a bit of luck for the ball to land on your chosen number. Based on your strategies and potentials, you can either go for an aggressive betting strategy or settle for small potential winnings with better odds.

The Wheel

In the roulette game, there are mainly two types of wheels including American and European. There is also a third one, French roulette wheel which is quite similar to the European roulette wheel. The American Roulette wheel which contains 38 slots, numbered from 1 to 36, zero and double zero. Similarly, the European roulette wheel contains 37 slots, numbered 1-36 and a single 0. The numbers 1-36 are alternate pairs of odd and even numbers along with black and red. Slots with 0 and 00 are green in color. A dealer spins the wheel in one direction and tosses the ball in another direction.


The roulette table is designed in a way to keep numbers, excluding 0 and 00, are placed into three columns, with each column containing twelve numbers, and first row starting with 1,2,3 and so on. The remaining segments of the table contain various combinations for placing bets.

Roulette Rule Basics

Rules of roulette games are relatively easy compared to some other casino games. One gaming round of roulette comprises of players placing bets on the number or group of numbers to guess where the little ball will finally land after it is spun on the roulette wheel.

A roulette wheel contains a large outer perimeter where the ball is rolled, and pockets numbered between 1 and 36. Out of those 36 pockets, half of the pockets are black and the other half are red. Based on the type of the roulette wheel, it has 2 more green-colored pockets with 0 and 00.

Before the dealer spins the wheel, players have to place their bets on the roulette table. There are various betting options available. 

Roulette comprises 11 kinds of bets, each featuring its odds and payout. When placing a bet, the dealer usually gives players a time of about 60 seconds to place their wagers. However, the players can still place their bets when the ball is rolling, provided that the croupier has not gestured his or her hand to stop the bets. The different types of bets include inside and outside bets and announced bets.

You can make any bets all through the table layout. While an experienced player might be able to find the right bets, for a beginner, only practice can make things perfect.

When the ball will finally land into a pocket, the dealer will announce the winning number, marking the number on the table. While the lost bets would be cleared off the table, the winning bets would be paid immediately. Once it is over, the dealer will begin the new game and invite the players to make their bets. Seats at the roulette table are only for players and observers are not allowed to sit there.